A spinning moon.

Welcome to Imminent Silence

A gif of a hand painting a straight yellow line. Revealed is the text in red letters: God's Work In Progress.

Tell Us Your Experiences

Repeating pixel art of blue powerlines.

Use the board below to tell us about any experiences you may have, or simply useage as a guest book. You do not have to give an email address in order to post. We will try our best to respond as best we can and we can always keep your message anonymous if you need a way of contacting us privately.

Please be cordial when writing on the boards. Every message you post will be automatically sent to us for review before posting. No overtly obscene language will be allowed or your message will be removed.

Repeating pixel art of blue powerlines.


A dark brick tunnel with two metal doors on the left and right. In the center is white text that reads: Under Construction!!