Let us know of your experiences!

Anything on this list should be taken with extreme caution. Not all of our suggested methods might be proven or airtight. We are tirelessly working on getting this information out to as many people as possible. If you think you have a suggestion or even a verification that our methods did help, we would love to hear about it. Send a message in the chatroom or privately contact us! We will always value your safety and anonymity as best as we can as we investigate.
Do not feel pressured to read through every piece here. Take a break. Breathe. You are not alone.
To start off is one that everyone reading this should know of fairly easily! Homo sapiens. People. Us. We have amassed a population of roughly 8 billion people on our home planet and quickly spreading. We are abundant and versitile, found in numerous conditions throught the globe. We have diverse cultures based off of where we settle down. Some interpretations of entities may have a cultural difference because of that.
It's because we are so diverse and numerous, that we are a delicacy. With diverse age ranges, tastes, worries, and habits, humanitity slots itself perfectly as sustinance. Just as we have harvested from the Earth, we are cultivated in hastily ignored disappearances.
Devotees are a small subdivision of humans. For various reasons, they have decided to align themselves with the supernatural. They have many names for different cultures, such as proxy, disciple, a "committed", a husk, or even a reflection. They can become any one of these through force or willingness, dependent on what they side with and those methodologies. More often than not, they are still normal humans and will have the strength of one. The longer they reside with their chosen entitity, the stronger the physical effect.
- If you suspect A STRANGER of being a devotee:
- Take note of their apperance! Do they seem jittery or too attentive?
- Are they overtly friendly or overtly hostile?
- Are they talking to something you cannot see?
- Are they mimicking actions and seem stuck in a loop?
- Do you feel like you're being watched?
- Is something is just outside your peripherals?
Keep an eye out for your surroundings and do not make any sudden movements. Stay with a varied group of people. Do not show any outward change in expression as you exit. If you cannot leave the area, keep track of what they do and your surroundings.
Internet Urban Legends
Internet Urban Legends are some of the newests creatures to begin manifesting. Older researchers will call them IUL's while recently, they have gained the much more popular nickname "digitals". These entities are created through the spread of their existence over the internet, with some of the very first confirmed appearances right around the 1960s. Currently, we are investigating what happens once they are perpetuated enough, though there are reports of potential physical forms. These can be marginally rare to come by in a majority of countries now, due to the heavily restricted access from most governments.
Signs you may be effected by a digital:
- Sudden increase in electricity bill, usually overnight.
- Strange documents or programs you cannot identify recently showing up on your devices.